The Excellence Award at St Charles College Abavo is an annual prestigious accolade given to students who have demonstrated outstanding performance in academics, leadership, and character.

The award is also given to employees who have consistently demonstrated outstanding performance, dedication, and commitment to their roles within the college.  Their contributions have greatly benefited the college community and exemplify the values of St Charles College Abavo.

This award recognises individuals who have consistently gone above and beyond in their pursuit of excellence, setting a positive example for their peers and embodying the core values of the college.

Recipients of the Excellence Award are honoured for their hard work, dedication, and commitment to personal and academic growth, making them true role models within the school community.

May this Excellence Award inspire all of us to strive for excellence in everything we do and to support one another in our individual and collective journeys towards success. Thank you.

Excellence Award Ceremony July 17th 2024

The principal Rev Fr. V. Ofili and Vice Principal Mr Henry Eselenjor presented the awards to staff and students.

Jimmy Purity and Simon Chidubem both in Primary four boldly and confidently read out the news of the Excellence Award to staff, students and visitors.

Simon Chidubem and Jimmy Purity in Primary 4

During the St Charles College Excellence Award 2024 Ceremony

Rev. Sr. Obiola Francisca Chiamaka pledged to be footing the school fees bill for the best Mathematics student in JS 2. Mr. Chukwudi Emmanuel.

In addition, Mr. Peter Ekuh a member of the SCOBA( St Charles College Old Boys Association) added an extra Five thousand niara to the prize of Best Art Student for 2024, winner - Mr Ugboh Uchenna Andrew

Categories of Award and Prizes 2024


The Award Committee members:

Rev. Fr. Victor Ofili - Principal

Rev. Sr. Uju Akeh - Vice Principal Administration

Mr Henry Eselenjor - Vice Principal Academics and

Mr David Okonta Chairman PTA

Committee Objective:

Select and Reward Excellence amongst students and staff.

Categories of Award:

(1) Best sports boy of the year.

(2) Best sports girl of the year.

(3) Best Science Student.

(4) Best Art Student 

(5) Outstanding Teacher of the year.

(6) Star Employee of the year.

(7) Best Teacher Primary Section of the year.

Award Prizes:

(1) Best sports boy of the year... #20,000 + Plaque.

(2) Best sports girl of the year... #20,000 + Plaque.

(3) Best Science Student... #30,000 + Plaque.

(4) Best Art Student... #30,000 + Plaque.

(5) Outstanding Teacher... #50,000 + Plaque.

(6) Star Employee... #30,000 + Plaque.

(7) Best Teacher Primary Section of the year... #20,000 + Plaque.

Award Date:

End of the Academic Year (Third term)

Award Account:

Bank: Zenith Bank

Account Name: St Charles College Abavo Award

Account Number: 131 006 3725